DIY toolsOpenPCR

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)はごくわずかなDNAを増幅する手法です。PCR装置があれば、簡単に、短時間のうちに、特定の配列を含むDNAを大幅に増幅できます。近年、ロッシュ社が保有していたPCRの最も基本的な特許の期限が切れました。




You'll need a PCR machine, one of the cornerstones of molecular biology, which costs $4,000 up to $10,000. How are the Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, or Andy Warhol of biotech going to get their start if the simplest biotech tools cost so much?
In 1983, Kary Mullis first developed PCR, for which he later received a Nobel Prize. But the tool is still expensive, even though the technology is almost 30 years old. If computing grew at the same pace, we would all still be paying $2,000+ for a 1 MHz Apple II computer. Innovation in biotech needs a kick start!
KickstarterのOpenPCR projectより)
